Nana Amampene Boateng Twum II B Ed (Hons); Diploma English UCC; MBA UG, Legon; MCIPS, London.

Nana Amampene Boateng Twum II is the chief of Nyinahin Traditional area in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. Nana was born on the 16th September, 1960 to Madam Akosua Manu of the Aduana Royal family of Nyinahin and Mr Michael Kwasi Aborah from Juaben Oyoko Royal family. Nana started primary school at the age of four because his father was a headteacher. Due to transfers, Nana attended elementary schools at Juaben, Ejisu, Abuakwa and Kuntenase, all in the Ashanti Region before gaining admission to T. I. Ahmadiyya Secondary School in Kumasi from 1972 to 1977. Nana Amampene Boateng Twum II continued his education at the sitxh form level at Wenchi Secondary School in the then Brong Ahafo Region. He taught at New Edubiase Secondary School for two years after sixth form before entering the University of Cape Coast in 1982 for a Bachelor's degree and a concurrent diploma in English. After his national service Nana was employed by the erstwhile P&T Corporation.

Nana was enstooled and installed as the chief of Nyinahin in September 2003 when he swore the oath of allegiance to Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, the Asantehene.

Nana's tenure as chief of the Traditional area has seen rapid development.

  • -Nana organised a fundraising towards the procurement of street lights.
  • Nyinahin now enjoys pipe-borne water
  • Nyinahin has district Assembly.
  • Nyinahin streets were tarred.
  • Through Nana,'s efforts MTN& UNDP put up an ICT Centre for the school children in Nyinahin traditional area to have access to computers.
  • The road passing through the Nyinahin to Bibiani was asphalted.
  • Nana established an Education Fund to assist needy but brilliant students from the area and through that some children from the area were able to pursue higher education.
  • Currently a Sports Stadium Complex and Youth Centre is under construction at Nyinahin, and virtually completed.
  • The government is also putting plans in place to start mining and processing the bauxite deposit at Nyinahin.

Nana had the development of his traditional at heart even before he became a chief. He formed an association of Citizens of Nyinahin Traditional area living in Accra Tema metropolis, and through their activities, the area was connected to the National electricity grid.Through

Nana had the development of his traditional at heart even before he became a chief. He formed an association of Citizens of Nyinahin Traditional area living in Accra Tema metropolis, and through their activities, the area was connected to the National electricity grid.Through the instrumentality(efforts) of the association, some NGO's donated beds and other hospital equipment to the Nyinahin Hospital. Besides, the association undertook Clean- up campaigns and communal labour in Nyinahin during public holidays like Easter and Christmas.

Nana is currently a member of the Board of Directors of the Ghana Integrated Aluminum Development Corporation. He is also the Chairman of the Postal and Courier Services Regulatory Commission. Nana holds the believe that purposeful education can change the fortunes of any society. Education is indeed key to development and Nana therefore commends the government for introducing the Free SHS policy in Ghana.