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The Foundation

Adom Give and Gain foundation (AGAG) is a charitable NGO with four areas of impact:

  1. Helping and supporting create carrier prospective for young graduates with a poor social background lacking practicality and a strong network to participate in the economic growth in West Africa
  2. Empowerment through knowledge transfer

ROC Tilburg joined Adom Give and Gain foundation in the project community care in Ghana.



Adom Give and Gain aims to help young people and women in Africa to develop themselves with the help of IT.

Africa is the new continent for doing business: more and more countries have a relatively stable internal political situation, a growing middle class and good economic growth figures. In addition, the level of education in many African countries has improved considerably in recent years. A large part of the young generation attends primary school, and more and more young people have also completed secondary education, vocational training or even a university.

However, there are still major challenges: a majority of young people have to deal with lack of practicality after their education. In addition, it is often the case that young people remain unemployed despite a good diploma. If their family lives in a village in the countryside or in one of the slums around the big cities, they do not have the right network to use their talents to work and provide a sufficient income for them and their family. Years of dedicated studying end up in a life without perspective. Adom Give and Gain is a foundation that aims to increase the opportunities of young people in Africa with the help of IT.

We do this in different ways:

  • We create projects in African schools by setting up IT facilities, hardware and open-source educational software.
  • We train teachers and graduates from underprivileged families to help them to be successful on the job-market.
  • We send volunteers and second-hand computers to these projects.
  • We empower young Africans through knowledge transfer.
  • We execute projects in the communities such as community care, each one reach one and more.

The Foundation Board consists of 3 persons: President Benedicta Nkansah, Secretary Winnifred Harteveld and Treasurer Deborah Manso. The Foundation has volunteers who help with recruiting, fundraising, preparing training materials and more.

Our income is fully obtain through donations and all our income goes to the projects that we execute in Africa.

Adom Give and Gain is also looking for experienced IT professionals who are willing to share some of their knowledge and experience with young people in Africa.

There are several options for this:

  1. Sponsor and mentor one a trainee.
  2. Become a trainer. Combine your holiday in a tropical destination with the incredible experience by teaching our trainees for 2 to 6 weeks.
    - Volunteer for our high school program and help with the following projects:
    • Setting up an IT lab.
    • Training teachers in the use IT to enhance their teaching skills.
    • Teaching students how to use computers.
  3. Help with our community care projects.
  4. Sponsor a working IT lab at a secondary school in Africa.
  5. Hold seminars with us in Ghana to empower young Africans.

If you want to support Adom Give and Gain, please send us an email

And if you want to donate, you can click on the link to donate the foundation. Thank you for all your donations and support!.

The President's Message

Our goal is to inspire others to greatness, to motivate them to function at their best and be champions in life. Our motto in life is ‘Be the change you want to see in the world’


Mission & vision

Empower women entrepreneurs and youthful Africans and instilling in them Godly values and integrity.

It is our purpose to empower women to excel in their area of gifting with the help of Information Technology.



Micro Finances and empowerment for Women Entrepreneurs

AGAG is an NGO run by mainly women and we identify a need and found a microfinance solution that will help boost the business of women entrepreneurs with a poor social background catering for their family.



Adom Give and Gain Foundation has made donations of Desks, Laptops, Monitors and IT equipments to Dompoase Senior High School.
